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AWS EC2/RDS Instance Right-Sizer

This tool is designed and written in Python 3.6.5 to help you determine the right AWS EC2/RDS instance type for your servers based on historical usage.


usage: [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-k ACCESSKEY] [-s SECRETKEY]
                     [-r REGION] [-t THRESHOLD THRESHOLD] [-q QUERY]
                     [-o OUTPUT] [-e] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        AWS Credentials Profile
  -k ACCESSKEY, --access-key ACCESSKEY
                        AWS Access Key Id
  -s SECRETKEY, --secret-key SECRETKEY
                        AWS Secret Access Key
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        AWS Region
                        The Cloudwatch [average, max] CPU usage threshold
  -q QUERY, --query-config QUERY
                        The amount of [days, period] to query Cloudwatch for
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The name/location of the csv file to output
  -e, --ec2-only        Run this tool against EC2 Instances only
  -d, --rds-only        Run this tool against RDS Instances only


A pip package is available for this tool. This is the recommended way to install and run the tool. Download and run the tool using the steps below:

  1. python3 -m pip install awsrightsizer --user
  2. rightsizer [OPTIONS]


Upgrading is easy as well with pip, simply issue the following commands:

  1. python3 -m pip install awsrightsizer --upgrade --user
  2. rightsizer [OPTIONS]

Source Installation:

This tool is best run in a virtual environment. You may need to install a virtual environment tool such as python3-venv or python3-virutalenv via your package manager and/or install one via pip by running pip install virtualenv --user.

  1. git clone
  2. cd ./awsrightsizer
  3. python3 -m venv venv or virtualenv -p python3 venv
  4. . ./venv/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r requirements
  6. python [OPTIONS]

Running Example:

Lets assume for a second that you have already installed the AWS CLI tools for your distribution…

Lets also assume that you have already run the aws configure command and have a profile named “dev” on your system that you have already tested and is functioning :)

To run this tool with your working profile, simply do the following:

rightsizer -p dev

The tool will output a “report_date.csv” file in the directory you ran it in.

Lets now assume that you hate my report name, simply run:

rightsizer -p dev -o your_awesome_new_csv.csv

The tool will now use your_awesome_new_csv.csv is the output file.

If you don’t have an AWS profile set up for some reason (it really does make life easier), then you can use the -k, -s. and -r flags to provide the necessary info.


If you don’t want to have the tool pull 30 days worth of data, or if you don’t want the data periods to be 30 minutes, use the -q flag like so:

rightsizer -p dev -q 15,900

This will tell the tool to query 15 days at 15 minute intervals.

To run against just your EC2 assets, just issue the -e flag.

To run against just your RDS assets, just issue the -d flag.

If you are running this via the source, you will need to add python to your command instead of just rightsizer.

Let me know if you find bugs :)


This tools is loosely based on the awsstats tool by FittedCloud.